Responsible interim management according to Good & Right people

Our interim managers, be they CFOs, CEOs, HR Directors, Industrial Directors, etc., adopt a mission-focused approach, with no career aspirations within the client organization. Their aim is to provide strategic and operational solutions while remaining committed to CSR.
good & right people has set up a template by function to guide our interim managers in their CSR diagnosis, which is handed over to the client at the end of the assignment. This process enables a personalized assessment of CSR practices, whatever the function. In this way, our managers help to initiate, consolidate and even reinforce our customers' sustainable strategies, ensuring that each interim assignment brings added value in terms of social and environmental responsibility.
At good & right people, helicopter view management is essential for our interim managers. This method enables them to intervene rapidly, even in delicate situations, to obtain a global strategic vision and to dive into precise operational actions. This complex coordination with stakeholders ensures that the trajectory, speed and cruising altitude are maintained, with a view to achieving objectives while respecting CSR commitments.
Every interim management assignment is unique. As a result, we adapt our pricing on a case-by-case basis according to 4 levels of context: interim management with or without transformation, restructuring and turnaround.
Fair business practices" is a pillar of CSR for all consulting firms covered by the SYNTEC Conseil collective bargaining agreement. It begins with transparency towards the customer on all billable elements of the service in a clear and detailed quote. At good & right people, we have chosen to be transparent by contractually communicating our margins to both our customers and interim managers.
Finally, not all assignments require the same level of monitoring. So, depending on the technical nature and/or context of the mission, a mission manager may be appointed. In all cases, we are on hand to ensure that resources are properly aligned with objectives.
An operational posture
A mission-driven mindset and a CSR deliverable
Unlike consulting, our interim managers are deeply operational and physically integrated into teams. Delivery-oriented, they produce tangible results with deliverables and a detailed schedule. This approach guarantees immediate effectiveness and direct interaction with teams, essential for the implementation of responsible and sustainable practices. What's more, they pass on their best practices to in-house teams, ensuring that their actions are sustained over the medium and long term. This transmission of knowledge and skills ensures that the impact of their intervention extends well beyond their presence, making a lasting contribution to the improvement and evolution of practices within the company.