Good & Right people brings you its expertise in interim management and assists you in your M&A operations

The value of an interim manager in an M&A transaction
Advantages for the transferor
Before selling a company, it is essential to optimise the company's organisation, processes and tools, thus facilitating the sale and valuation.
Advantages for the buyer
The implementation of an interim management assignment often proves to be crucial in resolving the blockages that slow down or even block the operation.
When restructuring is necessary, Good & Right people can provide the necessary recommendations following a systemic or targeted audit, whether organisational or business-related (production, IT, HR, purchasing, supply chain, legal, etc.).
Good & Right people brings real peace of mind to M&A transactions thanks to its experienced teams and tailor-made intervention processes.
Good & Right people operate in a 3-step process:
- Framing the mission: determining the objectives and the response
- Deployment of the solution: business audit (by an independent expert), interim management assignment (piloted in pairs by an assignment director and an interim manager in situ) or ad hoc recruitment.
- Result guarantee: Good & Right people annexes a part of its consultancy fees to the result through a contractual guarantee defined before the mission.
M&A audit by good&right people
Before the acquisition of a stake / Due diligence phase
Expert operational audits
Performance audits
- systemic
- Commercial
- Industrial
- IT
- Organisational (HR/process/tools) overall structure or by business line ...
Risk audits
- security
- legal (contracts/litigation)
- production / supply chain ...
Asset valuation audits
- Patents, trademarks
- IT
- Industrial tool
- Datas ...
From the time of the investment / during all or part of the investment period
Just prior to 'exit' / after
Executive interim (temporary manager) CEO / COO / CFO / CIO / CHR / CSO...
Turnaround mission
- roll-out of refinancing
- restructuring
- new business model...
Transformation mission
- digitisation
- industrial tool
- distribution channels...
Optimisation mission
- bfr
- Opex / capex
- Ebitda
- Any relevant KPI...